In Feng Shui, every number carries some significance related to careers and business. Each person also has their own lucky and unlucky numbers.
Chinese people pay particular attention to numbers such as phone numbers, house numbers, license plates, and account numbers, and they avoid using unlucky numbers in their business dealings.
The number 8 is considered lucky by the Chinese. For phone numbers, credit card numbers, and account numbers, people in Hong Kong prefer that the final digit be 8. They believe this brings financial good fortune. If the digit before the 8 is 6, 7, 8, or 9, the luck is thought to double.
The Chinese view the number 8 as one of the luckiest numbers. Therefore, they prefer license plates, house numbers, and other numbers to include this digit.
In addition to 8, the numbers 1, 6, and 9 are also considered lucky. If these numbers are preceded by the number 4, it is believed to enhance the luck even more. Among them, 9 is particularly lucky because any number multiplied by 9 results in a number whose digits sum to 9. Additionally, 9 symbolizes completeness and fulfillment in the universe.
Conversely, the number 4 is considered the unluckiest number by the Chinese. This is because the pronunciation of 4 is similar to the word for “death” (tử). Thus, any number ending in 4 (in the units place) is highly avoided.
Other unlucky numbers, based on the Flying Star Feng Shui system, include 5 and 2, as well as any sequence that includes both 2 and 3. However, some people believe that 2 is a good number because it signifies “pairing,” which is considered to bring ease and smoothness.